Sunday, December 12, 2010

Hard work must start!

When somebody is about to fail a semester, that makes it a must to start serious work, isn't it? In my case, I have to mention my poor performance in study which I didn't seriously think that I may be in kind of an immediate position, lol XD
So yes, I'm in a critical situation unfortunately. I didn't want it to go this way but I was kind of out of control. I came to Muscat determined to study and learn, and to be stronger, not to be a failure. But in some way I got out of the track planned in my mind and found myself looking for extra and extra work.

Anyway, I must improve my progress in  a way or another, otherwise it will be so frustrating. My bad performance has stop right away, so in order to do that, I went to the college library to get some books. My first problem is the lack I have in understanding. Some courses I can say that I'm falling off. I thought to step forward in order to overcome my weak understanding by going to the library and get some books to help my out -I sound depressed about me as a bad understander dont I? well that's ok!

Basically, at the beginning of the semester, the assembly language course was ok, I was doing well, or is it what I thought? lol :p
Yea, as a beginning, the assembly language course is no doubt, HARD and tough! Yes it is, so I had two books for this course. One is 'Microprocessor and its applications', the other is 'Digital design'. The first wasn't the one I looked for but it serves the purpose. But actually it is very good book. I was kindly lost in assembly language and this helped me a little bit to be honest.

Well let's say that this is snapshot of a new beginning. In the further days I'm gonna make you know if I'm going well or........ hope not! I want everything to be alright, because you know there are two things I look for, One: to not fail. Two: to not learn nothing. Number two is the diamond for me. I'm a programmer, not yet a real programmer but I badly want to be. I don't want to pass this year with minimum knowledge. I hope it to get the other way round.

Yep, that's it for now. I'll try my best at least to not blame myself later and I'll try to not fail. I'm in a bad situation but I know that it is not too late. I still can handle it!

thanks for reading :)

Special thanks to my friend for helping me picking up the books ;p



  1. that's tough, anyway, i would suggest to better depend on Mr. Google then reading a book, Mr. Google will give you a direct answer to what you are looking to.

    Keep on learning...

  2. Yes I agree. Mr. Google would be a good friend.

    Sister, work harder please. I believe in you.
