Saturday, December 3, 2011

regarding the previous post

Got the bb torch :> and I'm in love with it if nothing bad happened or if it remained being a good boy :P
Gotta tell, posting this over my lovely blackberry's keyboard :D

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

i'm getting a blackberry

i want suggestions, bold or torch? i told dad already what's in my mind (which is the bold) but a bit time back i took a research about both phones and unfortunately got hesitated. i liked the screen of torch and i didn't like the slide form factor. i liked the bigger sized keyboard of the bold but i want a bigger screen -.-
i want a large screen for the first time to have that sort of phones ._. but the torch is also of high-price. i'm scared of wasting money on something that isn't worth.
do anyone has an experience on both phones? i want suggestions. i text a lot, play games and web-browsing. that's pretty much what all i do use a phone for and looks like i will need a mix of the iphone, android and blackberry.
please help me & peace be upon you =P <-i hope is not too late yet! i need to inform dad about the new issue as soon as possible (and i hope to get help very soon as well @.@)

thanks =)

Monday, October 31, 2011

I'm gonna build up my own college

This situation is just getting more disgusting. i hate being moderated by some poor mentally people. i dont think any one of college heads deserve the place they are. i'm not afraid of saying this because i'm sure it's true. no one is doing his/her job responsibly. do they even know what information technology is and what software engineering is and what programming is? what they should/shouldn't do or say? they don't know when the hell to do/say anything. i hate it. i hate this college including myself. i hate everything. i'm going to build my own college with my own rules and regulations. no one will violates what i say to be done. no one will even be able to say anything before my permission. no one!
*very very mad*

peace~ ..? No, war!

Monday, October 24, 2011


It's google related website for social networking. basically it is a fair site for communicating and social activities.
i don't know if it's worth switching from facebook/twitter to orkut and am not a big fan of social websites but i made me a page on google's one =P

peace and all good stuff~


Friday, October 21, 2011

how am i supposed to move on?

three weeks earlier
well, the story is as follows:
i spent A LOT of time trying to solve a problem with C
if learning programming requires practicing
how am i supposed to improve my programming skills if i can't solve some kind of impossible-solution-looking problems??
within the time i was practicing, there was a problem which looked at the beginning so hard to got it and also there were some following problems related to that one and they looked much much much harder.
the thing is that i couldn't till now solve that damn problem
how am i supposed to learn if nothing seems as normal as programming >.<
and how am i supposed to move on if i'm stuck for almost a month and half still trying to solve that issue?
i'm really confused
and this really depressed me that i'm starting to hate the whole programming thing if i couldn't move a little single step forward.

any suggestions/strategies to follow??
or am i just a stupid person and not made for programming. *Whisper* i'm really scared of being that >.<

sometimes it really gets so hard to figure it out
and makes me feel im totally stuck and can't go any longer
when should i worry about my improvement way and when shouldn't i?
there must be some points. i can't make sure that i'm on the right track
i don't want to fail solving a problem which i already passed the level of.
it feels bad. i experienced that many times
don't feel like skipping any problems facing me to be sure that i'm doing well

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

stupid HCT stupid Omantel stupid life


Thursday, September 1, 2011

Facebook under attack!!!

Hi~ long time no XD

anyway, i'm so excited to see what's going to happen to facebook. Anonymous are so interesting lately. They announced they're going to smash facebook underground. Personally for the time being it's a bit expected to succeed hacking facebook but some people would think like ... come on it's facebook impossible to hack it. but wait, SONY was hacked and some other websites were also hacked by anonymous. so would you re-think about it? XD
anyway there's a poll over there on the right to see what most of you has in mind.

peace & all good stuff~


Saturday, August 6, 2011

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Do you want to share? =D

I've got a book called 'C Programming: A Modern Approach', it's the text book students of C Programming use for refering. Since weeks back I've been reading this book to recall my knowledge in C and trying to catch some more information & experience. The main point now is 'Arrays section'. I've never learn arrays in C. I was only dealing with arrays in Java and they really look much nicer in Java than in C lols..
Anyway, there is a problem I was hitting on since couple of days and til now there is no answer.

let me show it to you:
/* Checks number for repeated digits */

#define TRUE 1;
#define FALSE 0;

typedef int Bool;

    Bool digit_seen[10]={0};
    int digit;
    long int n;

    printf("Enter a number: ");
    scanf("%d", &n);

    while (n > 0)
        if (digit_seen[digit])
        digit_seen[digit] = TRUE;
        n /= 10;

    if (n > 0)
        printf("Repeated digit\n\n");
        printf("No repeated digit\n\n");

    return 0;

To be honest I spent a long period to understand that code. I didn't start solving the problem until I got the idea about it =D
anyway, I want to share the question with you guys, I think it's fun for all of us to think and try to come with a solution or an idea about how the answer code will be.

Here's the exercise:
Modify the repdigit.c program (The above program) so that it shows which digits (if any) were repeated:
Enter a number: 93977
Repeated digit(s): 7 9

didn't figure it out yet but I'm still trying. Here's what I went through so far:

#define TRUE 1;
#define FALSE 0;

typedef int Bool;

    Bool digit_seen[10]={0};
    Bool repeated_digit[10];
    int digit;
    long int n;

    printf("Enter a number: ");
    scanf("%d", &n);

    while (n > 0)
        if (digit_seen[digit])

        digit_seen[digit] = TRUE;
        n /= 10;

    if (repeated_digit[digit])
        {printf("Repeated digit\n\n");
        printf("%d", repeated_digit[digit]);}
        {printf("No repeated digit\n\n");
        printf("%d", n);}
    return 0;
it's a wrong answer and I've been changing it from the beginning to now =D

enjoy it =)


Tuesday, June 28, 2011


Hi, how are you? =)

I have something new on my laptop, it's Linux operating system =D
I've installed Ubuntu version and there was a variety of fails before I reached my Desktop there XD . Now I'm writing this post over ubuntu =)
I was really impressed by the set of softwares, both embedded and available to download. Some examples: LibreOffice, internet messenger, media, firefox and more.
I liked a property that's called 'Workspace switcher'. It's really nice benefit of the system, where user can easily switch among the applications running at a session.

Here is a screenshot: XD
And, you can very easily take a screenshot by just one step. Hit the Printscreen button(PrtSc) and you're done. Name it and save it.
I loved the system I really did. May I mention that it's very very simple?!
Almost forgot, if you liked to try it without installing, YOU CAN. Linux is unbelievable isn't it?XDDD

peace and all good stuff~

Monday, May 23, 2011

It's starting again!

The feeling when I don't know what to do or where to go next!
I was kind of lost the last few weeks, where nothing appears good to me. I supposed to keep working on Java because that's what I was wanting to. But eventually everything seemed to be non-worthy. I need some refreshing I think.

I was reading this page today: am I going back to C programming? Maybe


Sunday, May 8, 2011

Wednesday, April 27, 2011


sorry for not posting anything lately
i don't know what i'm going to do next =(

Monday, January 10, 2011

get Sum and Average program (Open Source)

I've just finished writing this code, it's not a new idea but good and exciting one =P

here it is:

//@ Simple program to get the sum and average for a number of values grouped in an array <---
//@ Author: 'Liberty' <---
//@ Date: Monday, January 10 2011 12:40 AM <---
//@ ########################## <---

import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
public class getSumAndAverage {
public static void main (String args []) {

// declaring variables and arrays
int num, t, x=0, i=0, count=0;
Double [] nums={};
Double ave=0.0, sum=0.0;
String s, message;
String [] ss={};

JOptionPane pane=new JOptionPane();

while(x==0) {

s=pane.showInputDialog("Enter how many numbers you want to operate\n\n");
ss=new String[num];
nums=new Double[num]; // getting the amount of elements wanted to be operated on and setting num as the array elements number

do {

for (i=0; i<num; i++) {
ss[i]=pane.showInputDialog("Enter a number: \n\nsum= "+sum+"\naverage= "+ave);
ave=sum/count; // numbers are added one by one, sum and average are being evaluated

// final result after entering all the elements
message="sum and average of your numbers:";
pane.showMessageDialog(null,message+"\nSum : "+sum+"\nAverage : "+ave,"result",JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE);

// giving the user options to perform other operations
if (i==num) {
t=pane.showConfirmDialog(null,"Do another opertion? (The same number of entries)\n\n'No' for different number of entries\n'Cancel' for exit","Another operation?",JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE);
if (t==JOptionPane.YES_OPTION) {
count=0; // resetting variables to initial values

else if(t==JOptionPane.NO_OPTION) {

else {
pane.showMessageDialog(null,"Thank You!");
} // closing bracket of do while
while (x==1);

} // end of while
} // end of main class
} // end of getSumAndAverage class

Amasi, I've written comments this time XD

people, wish me luck =P

peace & all good stuff =)


Wednesday, January 5, 2011

the freaking exams

I hate when students get out of mind then. The 'Paper Hall' is a sad story :<