Sunday, October 17, 2010

A class in HCT!

I hate it, I hate it, I hate it. I hate when somebody doesn't make any react when people talk to him/her. I might be so so so angry if it is happening in front of me.

Today, and days before, the professor was asking some students, and in a way or another, when they were talking and laughing during all long the class, suddenly they got dumb. Yes, I'm upset of this kind of things. WHAT A SHAME! Yea I mean it! If you are talking in class, then why are you so silent when the professor asks? is that what you do with all people? God, what were they thinking? we are COOL?! My point is, whether you shut up during lesson, or you be active. That's it. Otherwise you step out of it as a whole. It wasn't any kind of a hard question or whatever, they just didn't want to answer him. Why? I may ask them someday.

Sorry for my words but I'm really depressed of that students.

Oh, let me take a breath!..........

ok that's all.

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